NATO Websites Offline After DDoS by Ukraine Hackers Cyber Berkut
NATO Websites Offline After DDoS by Ukraine Hackers Cyber Berkut
Ukraine hackers going by the name, Cyber Berkut, have taken several official NATO websites offline with a large DDoS cyber attack.
Three primary NATO based websites went offline Saturday morning, March 16, 2014. Three official NATO websites including the primary NATO website, NATO cyber defense center, and NATO’s parliamentary assembly, were taken offline by a large scale Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack.
Ukraine hackers known as, Cyber Berkut, have taken credit for the attack on their official websites. Hackers state they will not allow the presence of NATO occupation on their homeland. Issuing several statements on their website regarding the cyber attack, Cyber Berkut has said to not trust NATO.
The official NATO spokesperson, Oana Lungescu, issued the following statement on Twitter about the ongoing cyber attack.
DDoS attack on some #NATO sites ongoing but most services restored. Integrity of NATO data &systems not affected. We continue working on it
— Oana Lungescu (@NATOpress) March 16, 2014
The official spokesperson has assured the public it is a DDoS attack blocking access to the website.
Cyber Berkut has hacked many websites in the past in the name of Ukraine. In their official post on their website taking credit for the DDoS attack, hacker noted
(roughly translated)
We appeal to NATO kiberbanditam : ” Get away from the Ukrainian land! “
While the NATO attack is ongoing, sites are still offline at the time of writing this article
“The attacks, which affected Nato’s main website, came amid rising tensions over Russian forces’ occupation of Ukraine’s Crimea region where a referendum is to be held on Sunday.” —TheGuardian
Roughly Translated English Version of Cyber Berkut’s Statements made on their official website: