About Us

FreedomHacker is a privately owned company based out of the United States, providing news and knowledge-based articles since April 2013.

FreedomHacker is a publication of the latest news on hacking, privacy and everything related to security. FreedomHacker has become recognized as one of the leading sources for security experts and hackers around the globe.

Founded by security professional Brandon Stosh in early 2013 and incorporated in later 2014, FreedomHacker has become a recognized source among the security community. FreedomHacker was born by one individual, Brandon Stosh, the founder and CEO of the security company behind FreedomHacker.net. Since, our team has brought on additional authors, allowing us to expand our categories and strengthen our quality with timely reporting in mind.

With the increased need for security and the information of security awareness, FreedomHacker was born. Alongside security awareness FreedomHacker offers many guides and articles on privacy related issues and how to fix or mitigate such issues. With the continuous need cyber security standards, FreedomHacker was built to help expose the continuous need with simplicity.

FreedomHacker can be found cited on a number of reputable sites and magazines for the continuous reporting inside the hacking and security community. Not only has the site become a home for many security enthusiasts and hackers, but many individuals have turned to the site to learned the latest among security community.

Stosh’s reporting is unique as it remains technical with the ability for non-technical personnel to understand. As the severity of security becomes more apparent, FreedomHacker continues to remain active and continue reporting.

Social Media

FreedomHacker can be found on social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, or read via RSS for the latest site updates.


FreedomHacker is in continuous search for other security professionals in the industry. For those who are interested in working at FreedomHacker please visit our Jobs page.


Here is a list of authors currently contributing on FreedomHacker.net

Brandon Stosh – CEO and founder of Freedomhacker.net back in 2013. Currently the Editor-in-Chief

To be continued…

Want to be apart of the FreedomHacker team, do you have what it takes? Head over to our jobs page and join our growing team!