Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2 Fix, Freedom Hacker
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Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2 Fixing Earlier Reported Software Bugs

Just yesterday Apple released iOS 8.0.1 which resulted in a complete failure leading to Apple removing the update from their network only one hour after its initial release. Today, Apple released iOS 8.0.2 in hopes of fixing previous issues that plagued iOS 8.0.1 users.

Apples iOS 8.0.1 was reported to have killed phones cell service and render TouchID inoperable. After Apples large failure, within 24 hours the company quickly released iOS 8.0.2 to address a number of issues their previous software was reported to have.

The latest update fixes previously reported issues, Apple spokesperson told Mashable. “iOS 8.0.2 is now available for users, it fixes an issue that affected iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who downloaded iOS 8.0.1, and includes improvements and bug fixes originally in iOS 8.0.1,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “We apologize for inconveniencing the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who were impacted by the bug in iOS 8.0.1.”

The company pushed iOS 8.0.1 in hopes of fixing a number of issues, which iOS 8.0.2 now contains bug free patches for, one including the launch of HealthKit-compatible applications.

Apple released iOS 8.0 only last week patching a number of security flaws, and Apple released their first update, iOS 8.0.1 Wednesday morning. Only hours after its debut, iPhone users began reporting serious problems, seemingly caused by the update, including the loss of network services and broken TouchID functions, Apples fingerprint recognition feature. Only sixty minutes after Apple released iOS 8.0.1, Apple removed the update entirely from its Developer Center, as well as disabling over-the-air updates.

For those who had updated, users were scrambling for solutions to downgrade their iPhone back to iOS 8.0.

Apple has yet to release any information regarding what caused host of the problems with iOS 8.0.1, but later apologized for the issues while providing a temporary workaround. An Apple spokesperson confirmed iOS 8.0.1 software bugs affected over 40,000 iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users before Apple pulled the software from their servers.

A number of sources have confirmed that iOS 8.0.2 is free of the previous bugs and cell services as well as TouchID are working.

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